Seeking refuge in a troubled world – Miriam Halahmy



Time: 7.30pm start
Location: 37a Broadhurst Gardens, London NW6 3QT

Meretz UK is pleased to invite you to hear children’s author Miriam Halahmy speak about Seeking refuge in a troubled world

Miriam’s 2011 novel HIDDEN has found new audiences as the refugee crisis has escalated. The book tells how two British teens help an Iraqi asylum seeker. Miriam will discuss its current adaptation for the stage and its prescience as Jews prepare for Passover, the festival of exodus and freedom.


“Do not wrong a stranger or oppress him: remember you were strangers in the land of Egypt” – Exodus 22:21

Nicolette Jones, Sunday Times reviewer, called HIDDEN “a book to counter bigotry.”

American teens in the Trump era email to tell me about how inspiring they find the book. “I hope in the future our world will have more tolerance and acceptance to other people around them,” wrote one Muslim student – Miriam Halahmy

The Hidden Project is partnering with schools and youth groups for the writing, development and performance of the play version of Hidden, overseen by playwright Vickie Donoghue. Keep track of updates on Twitter.

• Contributions of £5; refreshments served
• Supported by Hashomer Hatzair Trust