To simply donate a sum of your choice to Meretz UK using Paypal
Annual Membership is open to any person living or residing in the UK. Without membership subscriptions we would have to reduce our work, so please consider making a public statement of being a member of the Progressive Left and a subscriber to our principles of striving for more equality, civil rights, human rights, peace and to further green and welfare issues. All members get reduced rates at all our events.
Our rates are under review annually and are currently:
- Supporter Rate £50 plus optional donation, agreement toJerusalem Programme
- Full Member £20 incl. voting rights, and agreement toJerusalem Programme. Additional donations are welcome.
- Full Member Concession £10. As above, full time students and people on low incomes.
- Associate Member £20 (no voting rights, no signing up to Jerusalem Programme), additional donations are welcome.
- Associate Member Concession £10, as above, full time students and people on low incomes.
If you would like to become a member please choose one of the options bellow or get in touch with us.
Memberships are billed automatically every 12 months. You can at any time.